I thought I had broken my ankle. I was doing volunteer
mountain bike patrol on the Chequamegon Area Mountain Bike Association trails
near Cable, WI, when my rear tire slipped on a damp tree root, and I stuck my
foot out to catch myself. The place where I put my foot looked level enough,
but turned out to be a depression filled with leaves. My ankle buckled inward
and let out a loud “pop”, and immediately hurt like blue blazes. I also knew I
was doing a number of things wrong; I was riding alone in a remote area, (something
I still do) I had no means of communication, and the last riders I had seen had
passed me 10 to 15 minutes earlier.
Fortunately for me, it wasn’t a fracture but a badly
sprained ankle (which never completely healed). However, in my favor, I was
carrying my patrol pack with an extensive first aid kit including a cold pack. Because
of my wilderness medical training, I knew what to do and did it; Rest, Ice,
Compression Elevation, RICE. Then I was able to, using my bike as a crutch,
make my way to my car and head into the ER in Hayward to get it checked out.
I have been an
Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) since 1973, took my first Wilderness EMT
class in 1979, and been a first aid instructor even longer since my first semester
of college in 1972. I’m also a longtime advocate of carrying at least a day
pack with the “10 Essentials” for the activity you are engaged in. Two of the
items on that list of 10, Navigation (paper map, and compass) and First Aid Kit
come with the advisory, “and know how to use them”. From my years as a ranger,
and is a Search and Rescue volunteer before that, I know that too few people head
into the backcountry carrying anything more than a spare pair of socks and a
couple of energy bars, and if they even have a first aid kit, it is little
plastic box with some Band-Aids in it and little more.

From the very beginning people taking the classes would
come up to me and ask. “How can I use this? Can I join the Bike Patrol?” Indeed,
most of the senior members of the Backcountry Trail Patrol started in either a
wilderness first aid or Wilderness First Responder class that I taught, and I
am pleased to say that at least five lives have been saved by people I have
Since starting to do this, I have tried to keep the price
of the training I offer as reasonable as possible, certainly less than many of
the other, better known training providers. I do this because I feel you are
more likely to take a first aid class if you can afford to take the first aid
class. Even so, most of the people I have trained either are, or soon join the
Trail Patrol. And the Trail Patrol cannot be everywhere all the time. Outdoors
people, regardless of their activity, get hurt and sometimes, like with my
ankle, they know what to do or are with someone else who does, sometimes they
hobble to a trailhead and make their way to help, and sometimes it becomes a
major medical rescue operation to get them to definitive care. It is the less
emergent, more common occurrences that mountain bikers and other high risk
outdoor activities should be prepared for, while still knowing what to do in
case of a serious medical emergency, until help arrives.
Recently, BackcountryLifeline, a new organization made up of mountain bikers for mountain bikers has started teaching mountain bike–specific first aid classes in Colorado. Established in the wake of the death of the son and fiancé of two of the founders during a mountain bike race, I like what I am seeing from them so far. They are offering affordable pre-race first-aid clinics, multi-day first aid training camps, and the thing that I believe holds the most promise, developing their own curriculum material specific to the sport. Since they are based in the same city as the IMBA/National Mountain Bike Patrol, I suggested that when they have their curriculum in place, that they take it across town with the suggestion that it become the standard for all NMBP patrollers. I’m looking forward to reviewing, and possibly utilizing the curriculum when it is completed.
Recently, BackcountryLifeline, a new organization made up of mountain bikers for mountain bikers has started teaching mountain bike–specific first aid classes in Colorado. Established in the wake of the death of the son and fiancé of two of the founders during a mountain bike race, I like what I am seeing from them so far. They are offering affordable pre-race first-aid clinics, multi-day first aid training camps, and the thing that I believe holds the most promise, developing their own curriculum material specific to the sport. Since they are based in the same city as the IMBA/National Mountain Bike Patrol, I suggested that when they have their curriculum in place, that they take it across town with the suggestion that it become the standard for all NMBP patrollers. I’m looking forward to reviewing, and possibly utilizing the curriculum when it is completed.
From another source, across the pond, St. John Ambulance,
the leading first aid charity in Great Britain, has also come out with a First Aid for Cyclists program that includes a book,

The long and short of all this, is that I have believed
for over 40 years that the more people who know first aid and CPR, the more
lives are going to be saved, and non-life-threatening injuries dealt with
properly. Since I started my “new” job with Team Ortho Foundation, we have had
an emphasis on training as many people as possible in both full, and
compression-only CPR. To date we have trained almost 40 individuals, including
my first blind trainee, in Adult, Child, and Infant CPR/AED and over 75 course
marshals in compression-only CPR. In Emergicare’s role as a provider of Special
Transportation Service driver training, I have taught compression only CPR to
well over 300 special needs transportation drivers, two of whom have saved
lives with what they learned.
There is more to be done. I would like to come up with a
short course for mountain bikers, and other outdoor enthusiasts, while
continuing to teach the 16 hour basic and 36 hour advanced Wilderness First Aid
courses we currently teach. And as much as possible, I want to see as many
people as possible know what to do if they are in a situation where they are
the difference between life and death.
Emergicare Medical Training; Teaching People to be The Difference.
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